isessioner.comSite: isessioner.com

Purpose: To transfer public education and home education into community learning environments where students can pursue their interests, learn new skills and gain real world experiences in an individual setting and in group settings.

Tutoring, Learning and Collaboration website platform
Pilot Program Ready

Currently, isessioner.com is the only website platform project active at this time.

  • iadvertisable

    A Web based advertising service. More...

  • ilearnable

    A Web based educational video service. More...

  • ilinkable

    A Web based linking service. More...

  • isessioner

    A Web based TLC platform. More...

  • ischoolable

    A Web based public school directory service. More...

  • iteachable

    A Web based public school online portal. More...

  • itestable

    A Web based testing service. More...

  • itutorable

    A Web based tutoring directory service. More...

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