iAdvertisable.comSite: iadvertisable.com

Purpose: To provide public school districts and public schools the means to enable businesses, associations, and organizations to advertise on their Web sites.

Features: Users have a particular statistic on each ad (hourly, daily, monthly statistic), also a graphical statistic is available. Each ad may be used in up to 5 campaigns, each campaign can be configured separately. There is support for any number of ad sizes, an option to use classic banners (jpg, png, gif, swf formats), plain text/HTML ads as well as ads based on templates. Also, there is available a real time and historical statistic, advertising and publishing accounts, all public pages are based on templates (all pages are editable in any HTML editor).

Status: The Web site has not gone live yet because there are still some things that have to be learned and resolved. So, at this time, its not being actively worked on and more than likely will not be until a later date.

Update Status: The Web site project is currently unavailable to concentrate on isessioner.com.

Currently, isessioner.com is the only website platform project active at this time.

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